Friday, June 2, 2017

Bobbie Jo Vice
My Story

Book, Open, Pages, Library, ...

My Story

Reflecting upon twenty-three years of working in education opens doors to memories long forgotten.  As a high school student, I had confidence in my career choice.  My desire to help others stood above all else.  At first this meant helping others in music, but  when growth and change lead to adjustments.  Soon, I realized elementary education was calling my name.  Education was the best route in which to accomplish my  goal.  In the beginning of my teaching career, I followed set guidelines, followed lesson plans, and followed the norm of my colleagues, some of whom had been teachers I’d respected and didn’t question.  My principal encouraged me with compliments and good reviews. Like many others, change is difficult for me to accept.  After a several administrative changes, as well as changes in staff and district- policies, the urgency of having a stronger teacher voice continuously whispered in my ear.  As a result, I sent an email that changed into several teacher leadership roles within a short period of time.
We have a unique opportunity to take advantage of initiatives that are now encouraged in our district: initiatives that are adjusted as we learn. Collaboration in many facets is going to become the norm.  Why not join this positive time in our district to guide the vision of this new norm?  The purpose of these new options is not to monitor teacher effectiveness, but to provide teacher choice and teach voice. Ultimately, these opportunities will reach all of our students and we will enhance our district team.
I’m excited to learn from my colleagues!  Every time I talk with you or walk by your room, I gain new inspiration.  I’m hopeful we can continue to come together in our thoughts about education and continue to work toward our goal of reaching distinction in our entire district through a common purpose!

My Project